A milestone, erected in 1793, survives on the A163 just outside North Duffield on the road to Bubwith Bridge. Unfortunately, the faceplate is missing. A copy of a similar faceplate can be seen on a milestone against a cottage wall at Foggathorpe.

The Society decided that it wished to replace North Nuffield's milestone faceplate and to re-constitute the milestone itself on a more substantial base.

A further milestone is shown on old maps close to the bridge over the Derwent, again on the A163 but, this milestone, appears to have disappeared completely. This is a dangerous stretch of road due to its narrowness but efforts will be made at a suitable time to establish whether the milestone is buried or hidden nearby.

A full description of the project can be downloaded in this PDF file.

The uncovered condition of the Milestone, 2010/11

Hargreaves foundry in Halifax

New faceplate in ‘raw’ cast iron

Collecting the faceplate 26/1/2012

Milestone on a A163 at Foggathorpe crossroads

Faceplate freshly painted

Milestone on A163 east of Foggathorpe